Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Saving $900 sure does feel good!

3xF right off the jump!

Fresh & Fabulous - My best friend has fresh new pieces of furniture making her home looking even more fabulous.

Frugal - She saved almost $900 in the process by just being patient and persistent.

Last February, my friend Erika was on the hunt for new furniture to update her space.

$1000 Coffee Table

We went from store to store to find the perfect coffee table. She wanted something industrial yet light n bright. Erika fell in love with a coffee table for the price of $1000 (pictured to the left). She decided she loved the table so much that she was going to save up to buy it.

That night I searched the Internet to find a similar table, but for less money. Of course one of my favorite stores EVER had a similar table for $279.99…Cost Plus World Market!

The Aiden Collection

Cost Plus World Market

So I immediately moved onto the next project….Can we get it even cheaper. On the hunt again, I signed up for World Market’s Explorer Rewards Program and within a month I received a coupon for 25% off the entire purchase. HELLO!

So now instead of paying $1000 for a coffee table, Erika paid $279.99 minus 25% = $210. She saved $790!!! With the money Erika saved, she purchased four Jackson Metal Tub Chairs from CostPlus for $99 each. After using the coupon she basically received one chair for free. HELLO two times! Who doesn't like FREE?

The Jackson Collection

Cost Plus World Market

In total, Erika saved $790 on the table purchase and $99 on the 4 chairs ......
$889 in total savings. Whoo Hoo!

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